Keeping a light lit, in memory of my Angel.

Hi, I'm Techea
On July 23, 2015, my life was forever changed. My son Kejon, a college football player left out our door around 11:10 a.m. when I was on a business call. I had just signed up my first company for supplemental insurance products. Not knowing that this would be the last time I would see my son or hear his voice, I would have put the call on hold and hugged him so tight, gave him millions of kisses telling him I loved him. Instead of blowing a kiss. Less than 10 minutes after he left out of the door, I heard gun shots and our dog Christoff was going crazy trying to get outside. Almost 10 minutes after that I found out the 2nd piece of my heart was shot in a senseless act of gun violence less than 100 feet from our front door of 18 years. Four days later, he transitioned. It has been a long painful road since then. Losing a child is the worst possible thing a parent can deal with, especially in the way his life was stolen.
Kejon had a bright future ahead of him and a contagious smile; he always stood out as a light. To this day, there has been no justice for my son. His murderers are still out there somewhere and I work tirelessly every day to get the word out in hopes that one day they will be prosecuted.
I started making candles as a way to calm my mind and most of all to keep a Light Lit in memory of my son Kejon Wayne Atkins the 2nd piece of my heart.